Happy New Year!
Today we head back to Seattle for a routine follow-up with Emma’s rheum team after a quiet month of stable labs.
We’re so grateful for a slow and steady steroid taper over the last six weeks, and that Emma’s felt good enough to run a mile and ride her bike! We’ve watched her sweet, compassionate demeanor emerge as she’s felt better and as spiritual oppression has subsided.
And we couldn’t be prouder of how brave she is to waltz into her weekly blood draws and how she takes her meds with no complaints.
Pray with us:
Going into her appointments, we’re asking for:
Great labs. That her numbers are improving, not just stable—good enough for another steroid taper. (Prednisone and its side effects are hard on everyone).
The additional genetic testing to give helpful, hopeful information.
And in the coming weeks:
Emma’s skin to clear.
Her legs to be pain-free as she plays.
Bi-weekly blood draws, rather than weekly.
No new symptoms, complications, or medicinal side effects.
And the ultimate…full healing.